Hi, I'm Sara.
I'm "Mama" to two little boys and a wild dog, and a wife to a man who loves them both as fiercely as I do. I'm a feeler. It's gotten me into trouble a few times in my life, and I never saw it as a good thing. Especially when it comes to "lasts." I have always dreaded the day that something will come to an end, and I often forget to live in the moment because I'm worried about that day coming before I am ready. But I've grown. The day I became a mother, I realized that every last brings another first. And those firsts are more beautiful than I ever could have imagined.
Photography has provided me a home for all of those "feels." Every time I am blessed to spend time with a family of a newborn, or a couple awaiting their wedding day, I am overcome with feels. That's what drives what I do. I photograph the feeling. The fresh, unbathed toes of a baby new to this world, and the tight hold that their mother has on them. I photograph the safety in that moment. A dad, spinning his daughter and pulling her in for a round of tickles, followed by hugs, kisses, and "I love you, Daddy"s. I photograph the eyes of a father feeling love he didn't know existed.
My dream is a world where there are no "lasts". Where everything we've held close to us is documented in a way where we can revisit them at any time. Photographs that put us right back in those days, making us feel what we never wanted to forget.
There are many different styles of photography, all of which require different skills, passions, and people to make happen. My photography is based in movement and the interactions that naturally occur between each other. You will notice that my portfolio (outside of portrait shots) includes very few pictures of families looking at the camera. You don't love me (don't worry, I'm not offended), you love your family. So, look at your family. Laugh with your family. Tickle and chase and explore with your family. What you feel and experience together in those moments is what I do. This is the beauty I long to capture.
I know I haven't met you, but I love who you are and all of the people that make up your world. I can't wait to go on this adventure with you.